National Convention on Scrapping NPS and Restoration of Old Pension Scheme – NJCA Circular dated 23rd January 2023 The Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers has called for a national convention to be held in New Delhi on 21.01.2023 to demand that the NPS be scrapped and the OPS restored. JOINT FORUM FOR RESTORATION OF OLD PENSION SCHEME (NJCA) 4, State … [Read more...] about National Convention on Scrapping NPS and Restoring OPS – NJCA
Withdrawal of NPS
47th National Council JCM Meeting – Revision of Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula and Withdrawal of NPS
Important Issues Discussed in 47th NC JCM Meeting: Revision of Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula and Withdrawal of NPS Revision of minimum wage and the 7th CPC fitment formula Withdrawal of NPS and re-introduction of Defined Pension under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 Discouraging privatization and outsourcing MINUTES OF THE 47th MEETING OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE JOINT … [Read more...] about 47th National Council JCM Meeting – Revision of Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula and Withdrawal of NPS
NPS to OPS: Abolition of National Pension System (NPS) and for restoration of Old Pension Scheme (OPS)
NPS to OPS: Abolition of National Pension System and for restoration of Old Pension Scheme Representation received for abolition of National Pension System and for restoration of Old Pension Scheme Annexure-I F.No-20/07/2017-PR 18.03.2019 To Shri C. Srikumar, General Secretary, All India Defence Employees’ Federation, S.M. Joshi BhavanI, Survey No. 81 , Dr. Babasaheb … [Read more...] about NPS to OPS: Abolition of National Pension System (NPS) and for restoration of Old Pension Scheme (OPS)
New Norms for Withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS) Subscribers
NPS Withdrawal Rules for Govt Employees New Norms for Withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS) “Minimum period for partial withdrawal has been reduced from 10 years to 3 years from the date of joining w.e.f. 10th August, 2017” NPS Withdrawal Norms The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has changed the norms for withdrawal of National Pension … [Read more...] about New Norms for Withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS) Subscribers