State-wise Details of Existing Ordnance Factories in India GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF DEFENCEDEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE PRODUCTION LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 443TO BE ANSWERED ON 21st July, 2023 ORDNANCE FACTORY SHRI NABA KUMAR SARANIA: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state: (a) the details of the Ordnance factories established/existing in … [Read more...] about 41 Ordnance Factory in India
Ordnance Factories
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the employees Ordnance Factories, DGQA & DGAQA for the year 2021-22
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the employees Ordnance Factories, DGQA & DGAQA for the year 2021-22 Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh (AN ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF DEFENCE WORKERS) (AN INDUSTRIAL UNIT OF B.M.S) (RECOGNISED BY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, GOVT. OF INDIA) REF: BPMS / MoD / PLB / 66 (7/3/M) Dated: 26.09.2022 To, The Secretary (DP) Department of … [Read more...] about Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the employees Ordnance Factories, DGQA & DGAQA for the year 2021-22
PSU Status to Ordnance Factories
PSU Status to Ordnance Factories GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 613 ANSWERED ON: 20.11.2019 PSU Status to Ordnance Factories T. R. Paarivendhar A. Ganeshamurthi Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state:- (a) whether the Government has taken a decision to convert all the existing 41 ordnance factories functioning in … [Read more...] about PSU Status to Ordnance Factories
Inclusion of all allowances such as HRA, TA and SFA in calculation of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to CG Employees
Inclusion of all allowances such as HRA, TA and SFA in calculation of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to CG Employees Inclusion of all allowances such as HRA, TA and SFA in calculation of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to employees of Ordnance factories as per the provisions of Section 59 of the Factory Act 1948 No.A.27016/01/2018-Estt(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, … [Read more...] about Inclusion of all allowances such as HRA, TA and SFA in calculation of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to CG Employees
Reduction in production targets of ordnance factories
Reduction in production targets of ordnance factories GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE RAJYA SABHA QUESTION NO 658 ANSWERED ON 17.12.2018 Reduction in production targets of ordnance factories 658 Smt. Chhaya Verma Shri Vishambhar Prasad Nishad Ch. Sukhram Singh Yadav Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state :- (a) whether it is a fact that due to … [Read more...] about Reduction in production targets of ordnance factories