New Service discharge benefit scheme for the Gramin Dak Sevaks GDS Employees in the Department of Posts ALL INDIA GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS UNION (AIGDSU) Central Head Quarters, Padam nagar, Delhi-110007. President: B.V.Rao. General Secretary: S.S.Mahadevaiah Ref. No. GDS/CHQ/ 48/4/2020 Date 07-10-2020 To, Shri P.K. Bisoi Ji, Secretary, Dept of Posts, New Delhi-110001 Sub: … [Read more...] about Introduction of a New Service Discharge Benefit Scheme for GDS Employees – AIGDSU
Payment of Gratuity Scheme
Implementation of ESI and Maternity Benefits and Payment of Gratuity Schemes for Handloom weavers
Implementation of ESI and Maternity Benefits and Payment of Gratuity Schemes for Handloom weavers GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF TEXTILES LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 3299 ANSWERED ON: 13.03.2020 ESI and Maternity Benefits for Handloom Weavers Sanjay(Kaka) Ramchandra Patil Will the Minister of TEXTILES be pleased to state:- (a) whether the Government has formulated … [Read more...] about Implementation of ESI and Maternity Benefits and Payment of Gratuity Schemes for Handloom weavers