National Convention on Scrapping NPS and Restoration of Old Pension Scheme – NJCA Circular dated 23rd January 2023 The Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers has called for a national convention to be held in New Delhi on 21.01.2023 to demand that the NPS be scrapped and the OPS restored. JOINT FORUM FOR RESTORATION OF OLD PENSION SCHEME (NJCA) 4, State … [Read more...] about National Convention on Scrapping NPS and Restoring OPS – NJCA
NJCA meeting
Postponement of the Meeting of NJCA
Postponement of the Meeting of NJCA POSTPONEMENT OF THE MEETING OF THE NJCA NJCA National Joint Council of Action 4, State Entry Road New Delhi – 110055 No.NJCA/2018 Dated November 30, 2018 All Members of the NJCA Dear Comrades, Sub: Postponement of the meeting of the NJCA Ref : This office letter of even number dated 21.11.2018 Keeping in view the inconvenience of … [Read more...] about Postponement of the Meeting of NJCA