Risk Allowance to Railway Employees Instructions in 2023 EAST COAST RAILWAYOffice of the Principal Chief Personnel OfficerRail Sadan, IInd Floor, Bhubaneswar-751017 ECoR/Pers/R/Allowance. Date: 13.10.2023 ALL PHODs/ CHODs,DRMs/CWM/ CAO &CPM,East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar. Sub: Instructions on Risk Allowance to Railway employees. A copy of Railway Board’s … [Read more...] about Risk Allowance to Railway Employees Instructions in 2023
7th CPC Risk Allowance
7th CPC Recommendations on Risk Allowance – DoPT Orders 2019
7th CPC Risk Allowance – Dopt need comments from all Ministries / Departments No.A-27018/01/ 2017-Estt.(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Block No. IV, Room No. 409 Old JNU Campus, New Delhi Dated 31st July, 2019 Office Memorandum Subject: Implementation of Govt. Decision on 7th CPC … [Read more...] about 7th CPC Recommendations on Risk Allowance – DoPT Orders 2019
7th CPC Risk Allowance – DoPT Order dt: 16.11.2018
7th CPC Recommendations on Risk Allowance - DoPT Order No.A-27018/ 01/ 2017-Estt (AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Block No. IV, Room No. 409 Old JNU Campus, New Delhi Dated 16 November, 2018 Office Memorandum Subject: Implementation of Govt. Decision on 7th CPC recommendations on Risk Allowance – … [Read more...] about 7th CPC Risk Allowance – DoPT Order dt: 16.11.2018
7th CPC Risk Allowance Clarification
7th CPC Risk Allowance Clarification – Dopt Orders dt. 29.10.2018 No.A-27018/ 01/ 2017-Estt. (AL) Government of India Ministiy of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Block No. IV, Room No. 409 Old JNU Campus, New Delhi Dated 29th March, 2018 Office Memorandum Subject: Implementation of Govt. Decision on 7th CPC recommendations on Risk … [Read more...] about 7th CPC Risk Allowance Clarification