Revision of Special Casual Leave and Attendance Rules – CGDA
Amendment in Leave and Attendance Rules – Officers Leave and Special Casual Leave
Amendment to OM Part-I (2014 edition): Circulation of CS No. 06/2019 & 07/2019
Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam,
Dethi Cantt-110010.
No. AN/III/3060/I/Vol. VIII
dated 23.07.2019
All PCsDA/ PCsA (Fys.)/ PIFAs,
CsDA/ CsFA (Fys.)/ IFAs/ RTCs.
(through CGDA website).
Subject: Amendment to OM Part-I (2014 edition): Circulation of CS No. 06/2019 & 07/2019.
Correction Slips no. 06/2019 & 07/2019 of the Office Manual Part-I (2014 edition) has been uploaded on website for information and updation of OM Part-I. The Correction Slip will not be forwarded separately.
Please download the Correction Slip and update the concerned Paras of the Office Manual Part-I (2014 edition).
(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)
Amendment to OM Part-I (Edition 2014)
Correction Slip No. 06/2019.
Leave (i) Officers – Para-221
The grant of leave to the CGDA requires the sanction of the Ministry of Defence (Finance). For officers in the HAG + Scale, HAG and officers in the Senior Administrative Grade (other than those serving under Principal Controllers of Defence Accounts and equivalent-post), CGDA is the leave sanctioning authority. For SAG officers serving in the Factories organisation and Principal Controller of Defence Accounts Organisation, Principal Controller of Accounts(Factories) and Principal Controller of Defence Accounts are the leave sanctioning authorities.
Powers to grant leave to the IDAS Officers of the rank of Addl CDA/Joint CDA and below including Probationary officers, is vested in the Principal Controller / Controller of Defence Accounts except where substitutes are required.
The grant of leave to the CGDA requires the sanction of the Ministry of Defence (Finance). For officers in the HAG + Scale, HAG and officers in the Senior Administrative Grade (other than. those serving under Principal Controllers of Defence Accounts and equivalent-post), CGDA is the leave sanctioning authority. PCsDA/ CsDA posted outside HOrs. office may avail casual leave upto four days for herself/ himself and intimation in this regard shall be furnished to HOrs office as soon as possible. For SAG officers serving in the Factories organisation and Principal Controller of Defence Accounts Organisation, Principal Controller of Accounts (Factories) and Principal Controller of Defence Accounts are the leave sanctioning authorities.
Powers to grant leave to the IDAS Officers of the rank of Addl CDA/Joint CDA and below including Probationary officers, is vested in the Principal Controller / Controller of Defence Accounts except where substitutes are required.
Authority: HQrs. office AN-I circular no, AN-I/1466/Leave Delegation/Misc Corrs dated 12.09.2018.
Amendment to OM Part-I (Edition 2014)
Correction Slip No. 07/2019
(vii) Special Casual Leave
Para 246 – Note 1 (16) (c)
Panchayat / Corporation / Municipalities or other local bodies,
Panchayat / Corporation / Municipalities or other local bodies. Central Government offices shall not be closed. Employees who are bona-fide voters and desire to exercise their franchise should, however, be offered reasonable facility, subject to normal exigencies of service, either by way of coming late to office or by being allowed to leave office early or a short absence on that day”.
Authority: Gol, DoP&T OM No. 12/14/99-JCA dated 10.10.2001.