PLB to the Railway Employees for the year 2020
National Federation of India Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110 055
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
No.1/II/Part II
Dated: 04/08/2020
The Chairman, Railway Board, New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to the Railway employees for the year 2019-2020 – reg.
The Productivity Linked Bonus formula was finalized in November 1979 by an agreement between the Federations and Railway Ministry. However, the salary calculation ceiling for payment of PL Bonus continued to remain at Rs. 7000/- p.m. although the Federation has been repeatedly urging for removal of ceiling for payment of PL Bonus on actual wages as the bonus is linked with productivity and this issue is pending as of now.
With regard to payment of PL Bonus for the year 2019-2020 (to be paid to Railway employees before commencement of Dussehra Pooja holidays), NFIR requests the Railway Board (CRB) to kindly consider the following:-
- The Railway employees have, during the year 2019-2020, given qualitative output, shouldering additional burden on account of non-filling of over two and half lakh vacancies: More than 2 lakh Railway employees have been performing 12 hours duty per day despite justification exists for 8 hours duty under “continuous” classification under HOER. The Zonal Railways have not yet complied with Railway Board’s instructions dated 30/09/2016 for revising the classification from “Essentially Intermittent” to “Continuous”.
- During the year 2019-2020, the overall performance of Railway employees has been very exemplary as there has been no dislocation to the services on employees’ account.
- During the previous 8 years, the PL Bonus was paid equivalent to 78 days wages (with notional salary calculation). This time an increase beyond 78 days wages would motivate Rail Workforce to give better results.
- Federation re-iterates that capital input should not be taken as criteria, as the utilization of the capital is in the hands of management and workers are nothing to do with the said investment.
- The freight loading during the year 2019-2020 has surpassed previous years loading (barring 2018-19), and PLB equivalent to 78 days wages (with notional calculation) was paid during previous years.
NFIR, therefore, requests the CRB to kindly consider the above points for making payment of PL Bonus higher than previous years.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Source: NFIR